For Individuals

I offer one on one mindfulness (or small group) guided meditation zoom sessions of 30, 45, or 60 minutes. I strive to personalize each session so that your time is spent in a way that is meaningful to you. That means that sessions begin with an intention setting conversation, move into a guided meditation, and conclude with an opportunity for personal reflection or questions.

For leaders and leadership teams

My work differs from traditional professional development. You and/or your team won’t find yourselves being lectured to or asked to sit for canned presentations. Becoming a mindful leader cannot be reduced to a set of steps, procedures, or techniques. Instead, intentional mindful leadership is created and co-created. It is rooted in a commitment to personal growth, reflection, and curiosity. That said, if the research interests you or your team, I can easily provide it in any number of ways.


About Red Umbrella

I offer one on one mindfulness (or small group) guided meditation zoom sessions of 30, 45, or 60 minutes. I strive to personalize each session so that your time is spent in a way that is meaningful to you. That means that sessions begin with an intention setting conversation, move into a guided meditation, and conclude with an opportunity for personal reflection or questions.